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防晒霜已经成为日常护肤中的必备品,尤其是在全球变暖和紫外线增强的背景下,防晒的重要性不言而喻。无论是烈日炎炎的夏季还是阴天,防晒霜都应成为每个人护肤步骤中的最后一道屏障。那么,市面上有哪些广受欢迎的防晒霜值得推荐呢? 4990...

玩转北京 专访北京新锐跨界设计师谢星

         Xie Xing is a model, photographer, designer and stylist. At the age of 20, he created his own label “T by Zing”. Living in Beijing, the fashion icon is passionate about his career, his lifestyle and his city.        他是中国当代最新锐的造型师、摄影师,是中国时尚媒体的宠儿。曾与李冰冰、周迅、高圆圆等一线明星合作;他是国内最具潜力的时装设计师,拥有极强表现张力;他更是一位热爱北京的新北京人,为这座城市沉醉,为这座城市痴迷。20岁时,他创立了个人服装定制品牌“T by Zing”,被称为跨界时尚怪才。他,就是谢星。 86...

德州 | 孤标傲世的的沙漠玫瑰——世上独一无二的PRADA MARFA

沙漠的广阔使人们感到疲倦,似乎永远走不出去似的。在这里,一眼望去,到处都是单调的黄色,除了呼啸而过的汽车,连一棵树都没有。转瞬间,前方似乎出现了什么?在这个远离城市26英里的荒外,有一栋建筑,是酒店?加油站?还是汽修行?原来全都不是…… 383...

Take Me To Bali – An Inspiring John Hardy Afternoon Tea Event at Neiman Marcus

Article By Chelsea Zhou, Photographed by Zoe Li  “Take me to Bali”Believe me, everything on your mind will merge into this one single sentence when you find out about the ultimate beauty and essential values of John Hardy, the Balinese artisanship inspired hand-crafted jewelry brand founded in 1975.  John Hardy Dot Double Coil with Grey Freshwater PearlPhoto from John Hardy Instagram, captured by photographer and world traveler @pketron An Afternoon Tea Event was hosted at Neiman Marcus at The Shops at Willow Bend last week, offering attendees an intimate look at their exquisite Fall collection, Uniqueness Cinta Collection, and the impressive 8-step creation process John Hardy’s artisans are using to make every single piece of jewelry.   The Creative Director, Ms. Hollie Bonneville Barden presenting the brands’ Balinese background, artisanship and sharing her times in Bali. Artisan specialized in Intricate Sketching presenting his technique.  The tea table was decor


夏天来啦,烈日当空的时候,更要做好防晒工作!前两天《财富》的网站上发布了一篇文章,称经权威机构调研,发现市面上73%的防晒产品都达不到品牌宣称的效果,一时间网络上众说纷纭,消费者们也失去了选择防晒产品的方向。今天我们就以权威机构发布的信息为准,详细地给大家分析一下! 3966

Get Your Skin Glowing From Inside Out

Most of us, at least among the Asian consumers, have a desire for even, lighter-toned skin, but we also want to glow from the inside out. Well, the secret is all within this article. Here are some tips to quickly reach the ideal skin you have always wanted. 4370
