by Chuqiao Zhou, Photography by Jeff Dashley at Sea of Shoes
This is the perfect winter fashion CHEAT SHEET you can steal from @Sea of Shoes!
TAM: Is burgundy color your favorite color for this winter?
Sea of Shoes:
Yes, burgundy is one of my favorite colors to bring out for winter! You can wear it like a neutral because it goes with anything and gives any outfit more depth.
TAM: For these two looks, what were the occasions when created them?
Sea of Shoes:
I like to dress up every day. I don’t save fashion for special occasions! I would wear the leather look with the alligator strap bag to grab drinks with my girlfriends in Deep Ellum. The burgundy clutch is perfect for a date night with my boyfriend!
TAM: Is there any fashion tips or essential pieces in trend that you want to share with our readers?
Sea of Shoes:
A fabulous bag can change up your entire wardrobe and set you apart from the crowd. I am swarmed with compliments when I carry my Allison Mitchell’s, they are so unique and special!
Jane Aldridge @Sea of Shoes
教你用三大时尚法宝打造冬季最IN LOOK
丝丝缕缕的寒意已悄悄缠绕进空气,冬日阳光的温度,远不如节日与家人朋友的相聚来得温暖。圣诞、新年的约会接踵而至,你正在为搭配发愁吗? 这期我们特意邀请到少女时期就接受美国TeenVogue杂志采访,颇受老佛爷Karl地关注,并与Kanye West私交甚好的知名时尚博主 Jane Aldridge(@seaofshoes),教你用三大时尚法宝轻松打造冬季最in look!
1. 酷感皮质
Look 1
Leather pants, Balmain, from second hand on consignment
Shirt , Zara, from Zara
Shoes, Aquazurra, from Neiman Marcus
Black Leather Croc Backstrap Tote
Allison Mitchell, from Allison Mitchell $2,100
2. 媚力酒红
Look 2
Sweater, 80s handmade,
Sandal, Alaia, from 4510
“Kam Pants”, Jessie Kam, available at Ten Over Six
Merlot Calf Hair Clutch, Allison Mitchell,
from Allison Mitchell $790-$875
3. 吸睛包袋
不愿尝试皮质感或酒红色的衣物?没关系,Jane向我们透露了她的终极法宝,一款个性十足的包袋就能为你的搭配增分!换掉Look 1中的皮裤,光靠肩上那款超大的秋冬款蟒蛇皮鳄鱼尾肩带真皮包,你的气场就能秒杀旁人。而除了酒红色的衣物,你也可以选择酒红色的包袋作为冬季搭配中的点睛之笔,像Look 2中的经典小牛毛手包,一定让你在约会中惊艳众人。这两款为你增添自信为搭配添彩的包袋,均来自Jane最喜爱的新晋小众真皮包袋品牌:Allison Mitchell。
Allison Mitchell