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夏天来啦,烈日当空的时候,更要做好防晒工作!前两天《财富》的网站上发布了一篇文章,称经权威机构调研,发现市面上73%的防晒产品都达不到品牌宣称的效果,一时间网络上众说纷纭,消费者们也失去了选择防晒产品的方向。今天我们就以权威机构发布的信息为准,详细地给大家分析一下! 3966

Get Your Skin Glowing From Inside Out

Most of us, at least among the Asian consumers, have a desire for even, lighter-toned skin, but we also want to glow from the inside out. Well, the secret is all within this article. Here are some tips to quickly reach the ideal skin you have always wanted. 4370
